Managing Partner
Paula is a people person, animal lover, and happy empty nester. She spends equal time in the Maine and New York studios cultivating new work and establishing relationships with clients. She is a master shell-seeker, bocce ball player, and will challenge anyone to a game of badminton. When she’s not on the beach or walking with her husband, Derek, and their three dogs, she can be found hanging upside down practicing aerial yoga. Little known fact: She hates to walk over sidewalk grates or manhole covers.

Interested in Joining our Team?
We’re a team of adventurers and go-getters. Perfectionists and team players. We climb mountains together and gain new perspectives every day. We work in the studio, in the field, and at home.
If you are here and you’re wondering what might happen if we worked together, it seems like a conversation might be a good way to find out. See what opportunities await….